
Booking Plan


Foundation Work R.C.C. Piling
Structure R.C.C. Frame Structure
Civil Work Brick Work, Cement Lafarge Coocreto, Steel - Tata Steel
Terrace R.C.C.
R.C.C. Vetrified Tiles
Door Wooden Diaukhat with flush Door of ISI Mark.
Wooden Diaukhat with flush Door of ISI Mark. All windows-frwies will be Wooden/Aluminum Frame with glass.
Kitchen Wall Green Marble above working platform , Steel Sirs and Wall Glazed Tiles.
Toilets Wallq/BathRoom Glazed tiles up to a height of 7’—0” & floor with tiles, all wlñte saiñtaiy & CP fittings with hot & cold water facilities.
Electrical All electrics wiring of standed mWe to concealed conduits with copper wires. Sufficient piovisioo and distribution of light and power plugs.
Water supply Through Deep Tube-well and overhead tank.
Telephone & TV Point One Points in All Flats
Lift One Lift will be histalled.
Parking space Parking space
Silence Generator Generator with auto changeover for flats
Security C.C.T.V. surveillance available at the reception counter

Payment Plan

At the time of Booking 10%
At The Time of Foundation Work 20%
At The Time of First Floor Casting 10%
At The Time of Second Floor Casting 10%
At The Time of Third Floor Casting 10%
At The Time of Fourth Floor Casting 10%
At The Time of Brick Work Starting 15%
At The Time of Plastering Start 10%
At The Time of Hand Over Unit 05%

1. In case any Sales Tax, Purchase Tax, Service Tax or any other Government Duty or Tax (not being Income Tax) is payable in relation to the said unit the same shall be on the account of the buyer, who hereby agrees to pay all such taxes and duties. The buyer further agrees and undertakes to keep the builder indemnified against any such claim or demand that may be made by any authority.

2. The buyer shall make timely payment of all amounts under this agreement whether demanded or not by the builder. In default of payment of any amount in time, buyer shall pay to the builder interest at the rate SBI PLR + 2% per annum compounded every month on all the amounts which become due and payable by buyer to the builder under the terms of this agreement calculated from the date of the said amount becomes payable by the buyer to the builder upto the date of payment. Provided that payment of interest shall not prevent the right of cancellation of this agreement by the builder on account of any default committed by buyer in payment of any amount payable by the buyer to the builder on due date. It is specifically agreed that time for payment of the consideration amount by the buyer to the builder shall be essence of this agreement / booking.

Tab 6

Content for Tab 6.

Floor Plan

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Basement Floor
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(1st. to. 4th.) FLOOR
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Ground Floor
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Revised Ground Floor
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(1st. to. 4th.) Floor
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(1st. to. 4th.) Floor